StandUp4ArtsEducation Day

Stand Up 4 Arts Education Day - April 30, 2024

On April 30, CETA joins with CMEA (Music Educators), CDEA (Dance Educators) and CAEA (Art Educators) to present Stand Up 4 Arts Education Day at the State Capitol in Sacramento. This is a day for Arts Advocacy. 

Sacramento Capitol Park • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM                                                                      Areas 27 & 34 -

Stand Up 4 Arts Education Day will include student performances, an art exhibit, and legislative visits. The press conference and official welcoming ceremony will be held at 12:00 noon with guest speakers. In person advocacy visits need to be pre scheduled between 1-3pm with your legislators, and should be arranged 2 weeks in advance. 

There are also ways you can join in STAND UP 4 ARTS EDUCATION on your own campus::

  1. Schedule a virtual meeting with your state legislators, which should be pre arranged at least 2 weeks in advance.

  2. Hold a school-wide arts pep rally.

  3. Create an arts festival on your campus and invite board members, your superintendent and other important stakeholders.

Any additional questions, please contact Amanda Swann, CETA Stand Up 4 Arts Education Chair at

Thank you for all the great work you are doing. You make a difference in the lives of your students!

Amanda Swann

Past President, CETA (CA Educational Theatre Association)

Visual and Performing Arts Magnet Coordinator, Verdugo Hills HS, Tujunga, CA

StandUp4ArtsEducation Day Sizzle Reel Featuring Kristen Bell