Since 1945, the California Educational Theatre Association (CETA) has been a strong force in shaping quality theatre education. CETA’s visionary approach to meeting challenges has made it a nationally recognized organization. CETA supports and represents theatre educators throughout the state with its innovative programs and activities for theatre teachers, artists, and students.

CETA boasts an insightful and dedicated Board of Directors made up of teachers and theatre professionals. Under the direction of its leadership, CETA sponsors exemplary programs, including:

  • High school and middle school theatre festivals

  • Stan Up 4 Arts Day at the state capitol in Sacramento

  • The state’s premier theatre educator conference

Our strong political advocacy includes the award winning CETA Position Paper. This concise, full color document puts research data and theatre program guidelines at your finger tips.

We encourage you to take advantage of all that CETA offers. Our website is currently under renovation, but please have a look around and familiarize yourself with our news and information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or the appropriate board member listed on the board member page. We look forward to working with you to create a bright future for theatre education in California.