
California Educational Theatre Association 

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color

Statement and Action Plan

VISION: Every California student will experience the highest standards of theatre arts education.

We believe that Black Lives Matter.

We believe in diversity, inclusion, and justice. We see you. We hear you. We will not remain silent and complicit.

CETA stands with communities of color. We acknowledge that systemic racism continues to affect Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), not only in California, but throughout the country. 

We believe that the Arts are a place for everyone.  
We know that although the arts are seen as inclusive, this is not the case for many artists of color, both as students and professionals. It is our goal to make CETA an organization that provides a safe environment, is free of discrimination, and  is focused on inclusivity. 
CETA has the responsibility to be a diverse, inclusive, and anti-racist organization

The Arts have the power to make change, bring people together, tell stories that need to be heard, and help communities engage in dialogue. CETA will make space for people to tell their stories, to speak about injustice, and to know they matter.

As Arts Leaders, CETA is committed to view every board decision through the lens of inclusivity, diversity, and racial justice.

2023 Action Plan

As a commitment to being more inclusive and diverse, CETA will... 

  1. Proactively seek BIPOC candidates for the CETA Board. Ensure that no less than 20-25% of the CETA Board is composed of members from the BIPOC community. 

  2. Inspire potential BIPOC credential candidates to consider a viable career path in Theatre Education. Connect potential BIPOC credential candidates with BIPOC Cooperating (Mentor) Teachers. Seek BIPOC Cooperating (Mentor) Teachers.

  3. Identify, amplify, and connect organizations that are committed to uplifting BIPOC voices.  Develop a database of BIPOC theater companies and organizations that is viewable on the CETA website. Promote and amplify opportunities from BIPOC theatre companies including audition notices, internships etc. Bring attention to BIPOC theatre makers during U.S. recognized heritage months (February: Black History Month, March: Women’s History Month/Irish American Heritage/National Deaf History Month, April: Arab American Heritage Month/ Autism Awareness Month, May: Pacific Islander Heritage Month/Jewish American Heritage Month,  June: LGBTQIA+ Month, Sept 15-October 15: Latino Heritage Month, October: Disability Employment/Italian Heritage Month, November: Native American Heritage Month)

  4. Ensure that all CETA events include BIPOC representation including teaching artists, workshop leaders, keynote speakers, adjudicators, materials, panels, and performances.  

  5. Continue to increase the number of BIPOC teaching artists, workshop leaders, keynote speakers, panels and adjudicators by (at least) 20% at all of our events. 

  6. Offer an annual CETA scholarship opportunity specifically designated to BIPOC students. 

  7. Revisit requirements of all CETA scholarships to ensure that there are no barriers for all applicants.